Impact Wrestling, WWE Christian Cage's EPIC Debut! (TNA Genesis 2005) Classic IMPACT Wrestling Moments

I think so. This is it. This is it. This is the moment that we’ve been waiting for this is what we’ve been anticipating from the second, the tna management labeled, this the biggest jump in our three plus year, history and he’s on his way to the impact zone, Applause Applause – the rumors – are correct. He has made the jump. This crowd is on their feet and they’re going crazy. People wondered what he really do it well. There is your answer: let’s, listen to the reaction, they’re standing as one here in genesis. I see it’s going back to his canadian roots as a regional wrestling man. Christian page Applause stands, and i said this is something that i want to be a part of. In fact, i want to be the biggest piece of this puzzle, which brings me to jeff jarrett nwa world heavyweight champion. I’Ve got two things to say to you one: you should never wear white pants after labor day fashion tip and two i’ve come to tna. To take the one thing, that’s eluded me, my entire career, the one thing we both can agree on is the most important and prized possession in this sport, the nwa world heavyweight championship that’s his goal. So i want everybody right now to stand up and take notice that christian cage is here and christian cage will fulfill his destiny because that’s, how i rule what’s this well it’s, obviously stock to more than team.

Canada and he’s got a big grin on his face. What’S it going to be tomorrow, see i heard what you said about jeff jarrett and the world’s heavyweight title and hey. Everybody wants to be world champion, it’s every boy’s dream. But i know if there’s one person in this business that i don’t have to explain how crucial it is to align yourself with the right people politically. That person is you and it doesn’t take a genius to see that we’re in the midst of a shift in the balance of power. Petey, william, will walk out of this ring tonight with the x title to add to america’s most wanted tag, title to add to the crown jewel of them all jeff jarrett’s world heavyweight championship and with you, christian cage, joining the fold. We’Ll rule this place together. They do have a history, oh he’s, obviously playing on it Music. Well, scott. That sounds pretty good, but let me ask you a question: i’ll, be rude! There’S! No questions! Christian! Do you not understand what coach damore is offering you? Do you not understand the opportunity that’s? Knocking on your door right now, you have an opportunity to walk into tna and be a part of something that me and the rest of the boys have been busting our ass for for the last three damn years, so it’s, quite simple: captain charisma, that’s, his nickname, You’Re, either with us or you’re against us, do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? We want an answer right now: whoa bobby roode, christian cage, nose to nose check out damore looks like he’s gon na try and calm root down, hey bobby zip it we don’t need an answer right now.

Christian we’ve got a little time when i was sent here to get an answer from you tonight, and i know that you’ll make the right choice is that a team, canada t shirt i’ll, tell you what what an acquisition that beat for team canada that would give Them some major stroke. Well, scott. It looks like it’s the right size, but it’s gon na. Take me some time to see if it’s the right fit. Whoa the moore said we want your answer. We want your decision by the end of the night.

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