Some Total Makeup WINNERS

I am thrilled to be here today because my camera was on the fritz all day and i thought i was going to have to get a new camera. I was just a hot blob blur my camera wouldnt focus all day, but we got it. Figured out um, i have been trying to film this video for about a week now, and i have several things that i picked up from the sephora cell, some new things, just like a a rundown of some products that i have been excited to share with you. Some of these i havent had the opportunity to try out, but i thought it would be fun to test out on camera, so thats were going to do today. Basically just play around theres a company called minori, a very minimalist brand. They reached out to me and asked if they could send me some of their stuff and products looked beautiful, definitely seemed like products. I would vibe with products that you all would vibe with. So i have a few of their things to try out today as well. On top of a lot of these are things that i got from the sephora cell. What were going to start out with im ashamed to say? I have not tried this yet since purchasing um back, i guess in october or the beginning of the beginning of november and its the beauty blender bounce skin tint. When i say i have been trying makeup like crazy im, not exaggerating.

This is such a busy time of the year um. You know i purchased a ton of makeup during the sephora sale and then a lot of holiday pr kits started rolling in it. Just gets really wild with the new launches and its exciting, but at the same time um definitely does get a little overwhelming, because i feel like im trying something new um pretty much every single day. So ive not had the chance to try this beauty blender product out and i have to say im using my real techniques face and body sponge um. I have to say it looks really pretty. I got shade number three. It looks like a very good match for me a little bit, maybe on the pink side, but my skin, i feel, tends to run neutral no matter what so sometimes i can get away with. You know something a little bit more pink. Sometimes i can get away with something a little bit more yellow. I feel, like the majority of the time, i have that flexibility and i will say the only reason i was convinced to purchase this um was because of kelsey martin from rosalie rouge. I love her instagram account. She just started a youtube channel a few months ago, but i found her on instagram and she does really good reviews and we tend to like the same thing and she recommended this for the sale. So i was like you know what were gon na, give it a shot, and i mean it does look really good on my skin right now very very impressed, but yeah definitely is running a little like a slightly pink on me.

This will probably balance it out. Its my cosis concealer and um, the shade that i got does run, i think, on the warm side. So maybe this will add a little bit of warmth to like counteract it. Im surprised the beauty blender skin tint actually has decent coverage. I mean i would give this a solid, like with one drop of that probably a light to light medium, but i use two drops and i feel, like ive, got a good like solid medium coverage, so this is kind of a winner for me upon, like first Impression, it looks very good feels very good, um, very lightweight, really nice, smooth pigment to it so were going to go ahead and mark that in the winter book and as usual i comment – i leave a comment down below and let you know how its worn throughout The day just to give you like an update, um moving on this is an interesting little guy. I picked up during the cell, its the tower 28 bronzino illuminating bronzer. I really like this stuff, and i will tell you who this will appeal to and who it will not appeal to, or maybe how you should use this and how you shouldnt use it. So this is a very sheer product and i would not recommend going and using this with a full face. Glam style look because its super super sheer and products that tend to have that really sheer kind of petroleum based im, not saying petroleum, is in this by the way, but you get what im saying that very, like emollient feel uh can kind of disturb if youve Already put kind of heavier layers on or if youve already layered several products on.

So, if youre someone like me that likes, you know a good sheer to light base. I think youre gon na like this product, i mean its look at it thats pretty. I heard sephora was doing another sale like now, maybe when this video goes up or maybe december first week of december. I would totally put this on your list and i got the shade west coast, which looks like its going to be really really really dark. But as you can tell its kind of like a perfect middle ground for me so um, i have been very pleased with the tower 28 bronzer. So here are a few of those minori products. I have a cream blush, a cream highlighter and then i think two lip glosses, so the cream blush that they sent. I love this packaging, its very simple, very chic um, the cream blush that they oh, this is the highlighter. The creme blush paint scent is called orchid. Okay. This is the shade in the cream. Blush feels very i dont know. I dont know why i smelled it. It doesnt have a smell, so i would say just upon first application. First swatch we have a nice like medium pigment going on here, its not heavily pigmented, but its also, not um, sheer as in like comparing it to something like uh glossier cloud paint. Its a very pretty color seems to be a very forgiving formula to doesnt really drag on the skin.

Doesnt give me a hard time. Blending out i dont get splotches it kind of has blended into that bronzer really seamlessly so um yeah, i would say good job on that im, going to set my face with a little bit of estee lauder double wear powder before going in with that highlighter. I just want to set the super luminous parts on my face saw today that charlotte tilbury is releasing a new foundation that looks like it will be a part of our corner. It is, i think it was called healthy, skin or beautiful skin healthy skin im wondering if its like a hybrid between like hollywood, flawless, filter and light, wonder foundation, or maybe like a little less coverage than light, wonder foundation, which i could get down with. Okay, this highlighter is called champagne and it looks very pretty definitely has like gold undertone im just going to go ahead and throw on one of their glosses, because i do want to use my new merit shade slick in taupe, but i do like to pop on A little bit of gloss during my video, so i dont look like i have you know completely chapped lips, so um hmm interesting smell on this – definitely not fragrance, but its kind of just like that natural cosmetic smell um. So this shade is called juneberry. I like the way that feels um heres to upgrading modern lip gloss formulas. This feels just so like sheer and like invisible on my lips.

It barely feels like its there, and i love formulas like that thats. Why i like the merit, shade slicks as well, because its pretty its shiny but its not thick its, not disruptive it doesnt make me feel like i have goop on my lips, so really nothing new here, im just gon na take um legendary brows by charlotte, okay. So youre gon na freak at these eyeshadows, i dont, know how more people arent talking about these, but i picked uh three of these up during this for sale. Amazed love all three of them stunning and im. Finally, getting to use this one on my eyes: ive only swatched this one so far, but its the casual moon, crystal uh eye pigment and this one is in the shade 005 mystic and it its watched. So pretty, like probably the prettiest shadow ive, seen in a long time as far as the swatch goes, so as a quick little base here, im going to take my beautiful eye cream shadow, stick in the shade fauna and im just gon na give my eye a Quick wash gon na do a little bit underneath. Okay, now ive got a tiny bit of that kasha pigment on the back of my hand, watch how easily this is gon na go on Music and how pretty the color is. And, of course, i feel like the camera is not doing this color justice. It is so pretty its kind of like a purple blue shift, okay heres.

What were looking like and again, i feel, like the camera, just isnt doing it. Justice by the way max is up from his nap hes behind me right now and he makes wild noises like absolutely bizarre noises. So if you hear anything crazy in the background its just my eight month old, baby, okay im taking a little bit more of that fauna, color underneath and pulling it up, i want a little bit more drama, see how that just added a little bit more. A little bit more emphasis um on this beauty mascara. I have really been enjoying this formula lately, okay, for my lips im serving you with the combo of the charlotte tilbury lip cheat. This is the medium pillow talk. I have been obsessed with this. It is very similar to what my current favorite has been from charlotte tilbury, which is, which is the shade called love, trap, theyre very, very similar and im going to use the juice bomb from tower 28. Now interesting thing with this um. I got this in the clean sephora holiday set and i went to see if they had other shades available, because i really like this and i cant find it on tower 28s website or sephora. So i dont know if this was like a limited product for the kit or if or if maybe these are coming out later but um. I got it in the shade mix so thats what im going to use and im going to top it with the merit shade slick in taupe.

I will say i dont, like the smell of this tower 28 lip product, it kind of smells like crisco, and i say that a lot about makeup products – um yeah, i dont – know something about it, not crazy about the scent. Its definitely like an all natural type of scent, but the color, the color i mean, and adding a little bit of taupe for marriage. Okay. What do we think other than my raggedy postpartum hairs, im, feeling cool and feeling collected? I think most of these products were just straight up: winners, um feeling very pleased with that skin tint from beauty blender, which i had not tried. Yet the minori products, especially that lip gloss, really surprised me: beautiful packaging, um, beautiful products, ill link them down below. I think they are a fairly new brand um and yeah those kaja moon crystals. I mean im gon na, do swatches for you and input them because i just feel like my camera is not doing these colors justice. This is very reminiscent to me of laura merciers orchid, which is like one of my all time, favorites um, but they have several other shades in the kaja moon crystals as well, some fun ones. They had a couple more neutrals. I think i purchased most of the neutral tones um, so yeah. I hope that maybe gave you some ideas if youve been curious about these products or if you have some ideas for purchases for the upcoming um sephora double sale, like i dont know really whats going on.

I dont really know whats going on with that. I saw one post about it, um, so im gon na leave it down below. As you can hear, my child is going, my child is going nuts.

The post Some Total Makeup WINNERS appeared first on Beauty Cosmetic Reviews.


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