5 Recent Nordstrom Beauty Discoveries I REGRET Not Finding Sooner

Today i wanted to share with you guys five products that ive been using in the month of january, that i am loving like these are favorite favorite products of the month. Uh. All of them are new products. I picked up this month with the exception of one that im gon na save for the end, so stick around. This is a product that ive had for at least a year potentially longer, and i have just started incorporating it into my skincare routine. Im gon na get a lot of comments down below of, like i cant believe youve had this for a year and you havent used it. I know im already gon na just say i know i know, but i just started using this month and i already noticed a difference so stick around for that. I do want to thank nordstrom for partnering with me on this video all of these products. I picked up on nordstrom.com all right. You guys lets go ahead and get started im going to share with you two products that youve probably heard me talk about, because i did a video on this brand um earlier this month and i will link it down below. I have two products from westmin: atelier were going to start with the baby. Cheeks blush stick first, this is a cream blush stick and i picked it up in two shades. But my favorite shade is the shade petal. It is a beautiful gorgeous like soft peachy pink.

I have it on my cheeks right now. I like to apply this by just swiping it on my cheeks and then blending out with a brush or my fingers, or even taking my blush brush and pressing it onto the product and then bouncing it onto the cheek. The texture and formula of this is as luxe as it gets. I will say this is my favorite favorite cream blush formula. Ive ever tried um and i love the clay de po, also another favorite luxe like cream blush, but i prefer the westminitili even over this. Its beautiful, if you tend to have oilier skin, i think the clay depot would be a better option, but if youre, normal or dry, the westminster is just a perfection. I love this product. I also wanted to share the butter beauty blush in this video uh. This was one of the products that i love for my westminster video um, but i wanted to share this over the contour, stick, which i really love, but for this video i was like were gon na do one or the other, and i want to share the Bronzer this is such a beautiful bronzer. The shade of it is nice and warm. It looks like you just got back from the beach. The skin looks like a nice subtle, sun, kissed glow. The texture of this is a really beautiful buttery, like matte shade, so theres not going to be any shimmer to it or glow, but it leaves a very like kind of soft velvety finish to the skin um.

It is very easy to blend and it has a good amount of color payoff, so you dont need to necessarily layer and layer and layer youre going to get some good color payoff. Initially, when you, depending on the brush, you use, i like to use the bk beauty, 107 thatll, give you more color or the 103 bkb brush. If you want a lighter, like wash of color, but it just blends out so beautifully on the skin and the color is great really for anyone thats light to my tone or a little bit deeper than me. It is such a beautiful product and it comes in the most gorgeous packaging. I think this is the most beautiful cosmetic product that i own. It just feels it feels like makeup from like my great grandmothers era of makeup. You know when you would see those like old, estee, lauder compacts, that weighed a ton and were like pieces of art. That is what this product looks and feels like. So i really really love this product. All right. You guys lets talk about a tanning face oil. I picked this up earlier. This month picked up the tan luxe, the face illuminating self tan drops, and i really really like this product. The way that you work with this is you mix it with your favorite moisturizer or facial oil im, currently using the kiehls ultra facial cream at night and in the morning i like this moisturizer, because its just a very good consistency, its rich in emollient enough for Nighttime but its also lightweight enough to where i can wear it under makeup and it doesnt interfere so ill.

Just take a little bit of this and then ill drop. A few drops of the luxe tanning drops into it, and i will put this all over the face. The color that this gives the face is a very natural glow. I was always you know, im always a little cautious when i use self tanners on my face, because i dont want to wake up looking like an uber, but this was very, very natural and soft. I noticed it after the first use, like i woke up in the morning, and i noticed my skin looked a little more tan, but not artificial. It looked, it was almost one of those like does it. Do i have some color or not like. It was very, very natural, and then i used it two consecutive days after that, and then i got a really nice glow. Obviously, if you wear makeup its going to cover it, but i thought you know i wanted to start. These are really great for the days that i just want to put on a little tinted spf and i dont necessarily want to cover up my skin with foundation. This will give you some nice color and its really natural and beautiful. So i love that all right. You guys lets talk about a liquid cream shadow. Stick liquid cream. It is a liquid shadow, its not a stick. Its a liquid powder lets, get it right lisa. This is the chromatic eye, tint from ilia, cosmetics and im, a fan of ilia, cosmetics, theres, a few products of theirs.

I love, i love their powder bronzer. I love their tinted serum spf that is so beautiful um. I was like obsessed with that product last summer. So i picked up one of their little liquid eyeshadows, now im a fan of this type of eyeshadow formula, because it its very easy and quick to apply. I just take a little bit of this. Put it on my lid and i actually blend out with a finger. I dont use a brush to blend these products out. These products will have a liquid consistency, but when they dry down it dries and it sets so you dont have to worry about it. Creasing. It wears all day long. You can easily throw a shadow in the crease to give a little bit more definition or a complete look. I did that today and i used the westminitili bronzer in my crease, so i just have these two on my eyes. I also have this on my lower lash line. I just ran it with a small smudging brush and its a beautiful shade. You can see its just a nice, pretty soft taupey smoky shade. It has a little bit of shimmer to it. So its going to give a very like sultry smoky soft look perfect for textured, eyelids or mature eyes, because its a liquid formula, so it just melts into the skin, really nicely it doesnt look like dry powder on the eyes. It is a beautiful, beautiful product.

So i will definitely pick this up in more shades. Okay, you guys last, but certainly not least, we have the last product and im finally happy that i can sit here and speak to this product with some experience, because this is a product that has been asked about on my youtube channel for years, and it is A very highly hyped up popular product, its a skincare device, and i have had it for at least a year, maybe longer, and i have never been consistent with using it because at night time i am tired and lazy, and i just want to do kind of Like my quick, skincare routine and then be done with it, but this year ive really committed to making my skincare routine at night more of a self care ritual. You know looking forward to that time, rather than waiting until 9 30 at night after ive put the kids bed to wash my makeup off ill, remove my makeup at 7 pm and i will spend a good 15 or 20 minutes removing my makeup prepping, my skin. Taking care of myself, it feels really good to have that time to myself. So i have incorporated. Are you ready the new face trinity into my skincare routine at night and uh? I feel, like i cant, believe ive had this sitting on my counter for so long. Um this device is a like facial, contour toning device. It has little micro currents that actually you know you, you kind of sweep it onto the skin and it helps kind of tighten and tone the face.

Now i remember meeting the people from new face at a reward style conference a couple years ago, and i was asking them specifically about this line on my face right here that i have you know i can feel as i get older, you know, things start to Fall down a little bit and i notice this line being a little bit more pronounced. So ive really been focusing on using this product to kind of lift that up at night, and i will say even immediately after using it one time, one time ill. Look in the mirror – and i will see a difference in the side that i treated versus the side that i didnt ill, particularly notice it, where my lip is ill notice. On the side i didnt treat my corner of my lip is kind of just. You know like facing down a little bit on the side that i treated its tilting up a little bit. Is it super noticeable? No, is it long term after one use? No, absolutely not. It is a product that you need to use consistently regularly nightly to have some like long term benefits and results. But ive been using this for about three weeks and i love this im highly confident that im gon na love the results months from now and um yeah ive had this, and people have asked me about it over the years. But i hesitated really giving i didnt have an opinion to give truthfully.

I didnt have an honest experience with this product and i didnt have much to share, but im really excited about this. I want to pick up some other attachments that target certain areas of the face, a little bit more. You know specifically but yeah. This is a product that i um love its all about skincare. For me this year my focus and my beauty routine, is skin and taking care of my skin and just treating that time as a self care ritual. So i hope you guys enjoyed this video ill. Have all the products listed and linked down below? Do you own any of these and what are your thoughts on them? I think specifically im going to get a lot of comments about the new face. Let me know your thoughts on it.

The post 5 Recent Nordstrom Beauty Discoveries I REGRET Not Finding Sooner appeared first on Beauty Cosmetic Reviews.



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