Ranking my last 16 palettes

I think i have palettes that ive tried here. Uh one is a collection of five thats all going to be in one spot, so its kind of like ranking my last 10 palettes so thats. Basically, what were going to be doing? I do these all the time once i have, i feel like enough palettes to rank and were just going to start on the bottom, and i do have to admit that there are some palettes in here that actually, its really only one palette in here that i Really dislike someone is on my eyes today everything else i would probably recommend all of these other palettes, except for the one in the last spot, so were just gon na go ahead and start on the bottom im, not gon na ramble. In the beginning of this video because ill be rambling enough talking about these palettes, the bottom palette on my list, like i said, probably the last video that you saw from me – and this is the new natasha nona pastel palette, its whats on my eyes today and Um, i use this shade on my eyes. Do you do you see it anywhere? Like is? Is this shade anywhere to be found because im not seeing it and i wasnt seeing it when i applied it? I felt like the mats in this were not that great and the shimmers were very lackluster. I i said in my video that i i get that this is supposed to be a softer palette.

I get that this is supposed to be a pastel palette. I get that youre not supposed to do like the most intense and out. There looks, but all i want from an eyeshadow palette is for the color and the panda show up that same way on my eyes, and this is not doing that for me at all and like these shimmers in the pan individually. Look so beautiful, like they look. So sparkly they look so duo chromy, but on the eyes they just they just end up being kind of flat and im. Just not a fan of this. I i feel like natasha, and i can do so much better, and maybe this is the perfect palette for someone else, but for myself. The next palette on my list here is by no means at all. A bad palette is actually the quality of this palette is really really nice, but this is more of a color story thing. So this is the new lethal cosmetics. What is this palette? Even called nightfall palette or something i dont know it. Doesnt have the name on it because lethal doesnt do that with their palettes, but heres. What the color story looks like, and i did do a video with this and i really enjoyed the look that i did, and so many of you said that you wanted to see more looks with this palette, so ive actually filmed two more looks with it. So i will show you those now i was going to make it into a separate like three look video with this palette.

But honestly after the second look, i did i was like you know what all of these looks end up. Looking exactly the same – and that is my my biggest issue with this palette – is that i feel like looking at it. Yes, it does have different tones in it, but at the same time, all of the mattes are sort of mid tone and all of the mattes just blending them together. They all just end up looking exactly the same, and you cant get that many different eye looks with this palette. If youre going to do a basic eyeshadow, look with mattes in the crease and shimmers on your lid, the only thing thats going to be changed up is basically the color of the shimmer on your lid, but your crease is going to basically end up. Looking almost exactly the same every time, if you want any kind of depth at all – and, like i said most of these shades are are quite mid tone and its just its very hard to get creative with this palette. And that is my main concern. But if you like, a color story like this, if you dont mind having the same kind of colors in your crease every day or you just really love these kind of tones, then i think that you would love this palette. I, by no means think that this is bad quality like i said this is purely a color story thing and just something that for myself, i dont feel like.

This is a palette that i can be creative enough with and that i can get enough different looks out of to want to keep reaching for this, because i dont really see myself reaching for this on its own ever again to do a look with, because i Feel like ive done what i wanted to do with this palette and theres not really much more else to explore with it so thats, basically, where my thoughts are, and i i like the looks that came out of it and i think they looked really really pretty. But i was just sort of out of ideas by then, and i was like, if im going to do another look like what in the world am i going to try to do thats going to make this look different than it really is other than doing like Some kind of a crazy graphic look or like a different eye, shape thats going to make it look different. But if i just wanted to do my makeup and i wanted to do it in a pretty basic way, then its just gon na end up. Looking the same – and i just i wasnt having it so thats – why this palette ended up quite low next palette. Here is a palette that i honestly really really like. I think its a beautiful palette, but again i think color story wise. Maybe there are palettes that i like a little bit more, and that is why this palette ended up quite low im, trying to like decide if i want this palette in the spot or the next palette in this spot, because theyre, i feel like i have the Same things to say about these two palettes theyre, both sort of in the same spot, but i think im going to pick this one, and this is honestly, like i said its actually a really really good palette.

So this is from riso lashes, and this is the sweet tragedy palette and heres. What it looks like i did do a video with this and i was blown away. I felt like the the formula in this palette is absolutely stunning. It is so beautiful. The shimmers are out of this world. The mattes are buttery smooth super pigmented very easy to work with, but i do have to just i dont know take away a couple of points for the packaging because it is a little bit annoying like the the idea behind it is cool. I like the coffin shape, but the fact that it sort of comes apart, and you cant, like just flip it around. I dont know its just having this extra thing like laying around and then being in front of you on the desk, its its sort of annoying, and even though i like this color story, a lot. I like the formula a lot. I dont really have anything to complain about per se other than the packaging is sort of annoying. I dont find that the packaging is annoying with any of these other products, so i mean i had to put it somewhere that thats, basically what it comes down to. I do think its a nice palette. I did a shorts with this. I also did a separate video with this trying it and i like this palette a lot, but i do have to rank these palettes and thats just kind of how these videos go, because all of these palettes are really good, except for the natasha denona palette.

So if theyre any of these palettes that youre wondering about, i would honestly recommend all of them. I think that they are really nice. Quality uh in the next spot is going to be the new unearthly cosmetic sleepover palette, and the only reason why this palette is so low. I love the formula on this. I think the mattes are absolutely incredible. The shimmers are really pretty as well its just its a monochromatic palette and, if im being honest, im just kind of over pink some purples, there have been so many of them coming out and every year, especially over valentines day im. Just like are we doing this again, like can brands not come up with anything thats, not pink or purple for valentines day? I i get it. I get it like. Those are the colors of valentines day, but can you please just try to think out of the box? Maybe add in like a pop of something else. I dont care what it is. It can still be a valentines day release it. Doesnt have to be pink or purple theres, just too much of it coming out and im just over it like. I love those colors on myself, but i need more. I just need a little bit more and this just as beautiful as it is as good as the quality is its just kind of boring. The next palette is not boring at all, and ive sadly only been able to use this once, but i did want to include it in a ranking and i did want to talk about it.

I did buy this palette myself after after the launch and so thats. Why i havent really done like a ton with this? I only did a short with it. I think, but this is the new, nomad cosmetics palette and i wanted to give nomad another chance, because i havent had the best luck with nomas palettes in the past theres. Something about their matte formula that i felt like hasnt really agreed with me. I feel like its been a little bit too just like soft and slippery, and it gets all over the place and the colors just over blend a little bit, but i did feel like with this palette. I was able to get a really really nice look out of it and i feel, like theyve changed their formula slightly. I havent tried all of the shades in this palette, so im not going to try to give like a very thorough review, but i did enjoy this palette. I think that some of these shimmers are maybe a little bit on the satiny side, but some are also beautiful, like the shade up here is really pretty, but its its quite dry and its not super metallic or shiny, or anything like that, its just. It has a really pretty sort of duochromey white to pink color to it, but the formula isnt anything that i would reach for over. Like say my terramoons iridescent shadows, like those are way more, my kind of thing than this one, but i do think its a nice addition in this palette and its a beautiful color, and some of these other colors are stunning as well.

So i think they did a really good job of this palette. Im happy. I have it in my collection and it ended up higher than probably most of the other nomad palettes have in my previous ranking. So i mean that says something right. Next up is going to be the collection that has five palettes in it, and this is glam light uh, valentines collection – and this is the hershey kisses. So i have all five of them and i thought that i would just sort of include them all in one, but i think that these are beautiful like are they monochromatic? Yes, but i like the fact that, when used together, i can create some really fun and cool. Looks that arent just monochromatic and thats. How i use these palettes in my video, because i didnt want to do just a monochromatic blue look or a monochromatic neutral, look or a monochromatic purple, like you know what i mean like, i feel like they did a really good job making palettes. That could easily be combined with each other and like this is a beautiful, warm tone neutral palette like not gon na lie, even for myself like that is a beautiful palette, and i really like the uh blue palette as well like this is stunning. I think they just did great with these. I love the fact that there is so much depth in all of these palettes, and it just makes me able to do the kind of looks that i like to do, and i had a really good time with all of these.

I used all of them in my video and i just think that they are beautiful, so they had to end up higher on my list despite being quite monochromatic palettes, but i think the fact that i have all of them – and i was able to combine them In looks when i did my review: one literally just fell in my trash. Dont worry im gon na im gon na pick it up. I just have so much stuff on my desk here that everything is just falling everywhere, which story of my life. Okay lets move into the top six. I think we are at one two, three, four, five, six, seven top seven, okay, so in my seventh spot, is going to be the sugar drizzle butterfly palette. This is a stunning palette, my only i dont even know. If i would say gripe with this, is that i i dont love the mattes here from sugar drizzle. I know that they are working with a new lab. I know that theyre going to be improving their formula, which is amazing, but just for this palette alone. I kind of wish that these mattes werent there, because the shimmers are so nice and i also feel like we didnt – need two greens in this palette to be mattes when theres only going to be three masks like. Maybe this one could have been a blue just to sort of tie in with, like the rest of this like having a purple, green and a blue would be maybe better than having two greens and a purple or a pink or whatever.

You want to call that shade, but thats, just personal preference, but the shimmers in here are just so stunning and theres. Also two multi chromes in here and theyre, actually really really nice for being like look at the shine on those like these are the two multi chromes and on the eyes theyre theyre, not the most intense, but for being such an affordable palette with two multichromes in It like these are nice, multi, chromes, and also this shade up here. Like i cant like that, is so beautiful, it is so beautiful. I should not be swatching, but shades like this make me so happy. So that is why this palette had to end up so high, and the next palette is actually from sugar drizzle as well and its their newest palette. This is the firefly palette. I think this is the name of this. I could be completely wrong, but wait. No, its dragonfly, i think i said firefly and then someone corrected me last time. I think its dragonfly palette. Listen. I dont know what the difference is, but heres what the palette looks like and its again a stunning color story. There are some beautiful shimmers in here. Theres, a really nice black in here this shade down here, is just like look at how cool that is its such a strong, green to pink shift like no other brands come out with something like this, and i think that this is just very innovative.

Its very pretty its very cool, its very spring, without really being spring like its a very different spring palette, but i think they did such a good job with this and its just stunning, sugar drizzle is definitely a brand that i would recommend if you want very Beautiful metallic shiny sparkly, beautiful shimmers like theyre just so they look so good. They might not wear as good as some other shimmers from other brands that arent as crazy and intense. But if you want something thats really out there and you dont, maybe mind a little bit of creasing here and there definitely try out this brand. It is so good in my top four. So i im gon na im gon na combine these two in the same spot as well, but these are the new kaleidos quads. I know what youre thinking annette those are very, very neutral, quads and theyre quads. Why are these so high? First off i mean honestly a plus for packaging. The packaging just is so stunning. This whole collection from kalados. It just makes me so happy. I think they did such a good job with this. So this is the cool tone neutral palette and i think that actually both of these are sort of cool toned. But this is like the brown version of their neutral palette and these performed so well on the eyes. Theyre beautiful tones of neutrals – and you can use something like this to do – maybe something like i did today and add a little bit of extra spice to it.

I said in my video that ive actually been really enjoying doing some more like basic neutral, looks, but then adding my own little touches to it to make it really fun and make it pop and having something like this is a fun way to sort of have. As a canvas for doing fun, things, and also this palette is so beautiful too i mean i just cant like the black is amazing. The silver is amazing. The grays are really nice. I didnt even know i liked greys on myself until i tried this and im. So happy i have these, i probably would have bought them myself, honestly, if i wasnt sent them in pr, because the packaging and everything is its such a well executed collection, and that is something that i look for these days in my palettes. I want them to stand out. I want there to be something special about them. That makes me want to use them again its not even just about the color story anymore, its not just about the formula it needs to be more. It needs to be the whole package and those palettes i feel like are the whole package, and i really love them in my number. Three spot is going to be the hella palette from unsai and angelica, because this palette is absolutely stunning. I love this. I think she did an amazing job, curating, a very unique color story, this isnt something that ive ever seen combined before i love wooden size formula.

You guys know that ive obviously worked with them in the past, and i have everything that they have ever come out with, and i think they just do such a good job executing a theme and doing something different and angelica did a really good job with this Is this a color story that maybe i would have put together myself, probably not because i feel like theres a little too many kind of light mattes in here and not enough dark mattes, but this mat does work with basically every shade in the palette which i I think is the main reason why there arent that many dark mattes in here, but i think this is this – is beautiful and i had to rank it very high, because i really really do love it. The two palettes in my top two – you can probably guess them if youve been around for a while. Now these are new palettes like these have been around for quite some time. I was just very very new to this brand and i didnt try this brand until they came out with their latest palette, which was the dollhouse palette, so im. Obviously, talking about blend, bunny and blend bunny was so kind that they sent me the two first palettes that they came out with after i reviewed the dollhouse palette, and so these are the blends palette and the search palette. So lets start with this one. This is in my number two spot, and this is the search palette.

This is its just so beautiful, like mostly i reach for my blend bunny palettes for the mask, because the matte formula from blend bunny is what i compare everything else to now. It is so pigmented, but so easy to work with so blendable, so buildable its everything that i want in a matte eyeshadow i have in these two palettes, and these two colors like put together is everything that i would ever need. So, honestly, when im not filming, these are all im reaching for like all the time. I cannot put these down because i know when i reach for a blend bunny palette im going to get the result that i want its going to look beautiful its going to be effortless im not going to experience patchiness theyre going to blend together exactly the way That i want them to and theyre just going to be perfect. So i love this palette, but i, like the original blends palette a little bit better because i just feel like this is a better canvas for me to uh pair with my single shadows, and that is why i love this palette so much. Why is there hair on my black or what is that i dont know but its gone now, but this palette is just stunning: ive used this so much. I know you cant really tell because ive dipped into like basically every single shade, but i just think that you can do so much with this.

The only things that you dont have in this palette are like yellows. There really arent many yellows in here at all. Theres sort of a greeny yellow, but you dont have any yellows, which i wish it was a yellow in here, but i mean honestly thats nitpicky and i think that this palette is just stunning the way it is, and i love the fact that there are so Many deep colorful dark mattes in in both of these palettes, that is uh. That is the the thing that i i keep reaching for with these, and i find that if i use something else im still reaching for these, because i want a very dark, blue, matte or or whatever dark purple or dark shade in general that i want im. Always reading for these two palettes and as someone who dont even really like big palettes im, shocked at how much i like these and ive said in another video that i think that the blends palette here is my favorite palette of all time like this is. This is everything you need, especially if you have a big collection, maybe even have single shadows. Like myself, i mean you need this palette. I know its just not a rainbow palette, but trust me its its, not just another, rainbow palette, its its the rainbow palette of all rainbow palettes and its the only one that you ever need. Just trust me on that. I do have a coat of blend bunny that will help you save some money.

All of their products are amazing, its just a net uh. Their brushes are really good as well. I do want to mention as well that with the blend bunny brushes, they used to only sell them in a set, but they now sell them individually, which is really nice, especially if you already have a set like you can pick up the ones that are your Absolute favorites and have duplicates of them, which i think is great or if you just want to buy like a full new set, but i definitely have my favorites in the set that i reach for more than others. So i think that is a really really nice option and i might even do that myself, so those are going to be my rankings, were you surprised by any of these? I dont think that you were. Maybe you were surprised by the natasha nona one, but if you watch my video on that, you wouldnt be surprised at all because its its trash im, sorry but thats. How i feel and im sticking with it and im im not backing down, because i i really dont, think that was a good palette by her at all so thats gon na be it for today.

The post Ranking my last 16 palettes… appeared first on Beauty Cosmetic Reviews.



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