Olight O-pry (too much value???)

This was one of the few items from the last sale that really caught my eye, and now that i have it im even more impressed. So lets go ahead and take a quick look and see where it compares to the other pry tools in the same category. Music, so lets start at the beginning, shall we, my obsession with pry tools really started with joseph paul vero when he introduced the fulcrum to the world and yes, this was a very expensive pry tool, but it did something that very few are actually at the time. No pry tools were doing which is making a screwdriver out of a pocket clip, and that was an incredible change. Okay, it lets you carry something that was far more versatile and over time we have evolved into both a mini variety and also other makers have created their own variations with with uh pockets that store up to three four millimeter bits. But now we have a new entry and its not that theyre necessarily doing something incredible, but its the whole package. That is really really impressive to me. So this is what theyre calling the opry. Now i have absolutely. I know no idea who makes this, but i could say the fit and finish is excellent. This was not provided to me by olight. I purchased this myself for forty dollars at the last sale and as part of that, i was also uh given this i15, which i sort of talked about in the last olight video, and this is a really really really good deal for forty dollars like ridiculously good Deal and youre going to get quite a bit on this tool.

Obviously we have a pry tool. We have a bottle opener. We have a hex bit holder, mostly youre, going to use this when you uh want to get a lot of torque on something but youre going to need to probably hold on to it right with your thumb or otherwise, and have some kind of stop for it. To make any sense, it also has a universal wrench and ill get to that towards the end now moving back here. This is something ive never seen before. Theyre, storing two double sided bits now: double sided bits in the four millimeter variety ive seen in the sog flash mt ive, seen it in the hotel screwdriver, but ive never seen this method for holding them into a tool. So the way it seems to work is theres a spring retention in there and then you can actually drop out the bits select, the one you want and stick it into the back for an inline driver. That does not have anything fall out now. While i have this open, this is not magnetic retention, they actually put a ball detent. I guess in the clip and now theres no magnets in the system, which is something ive never seen either at least in this setup, and the cool thing is a lot of times. When you have, i dont know one fewer bit. You still have to deal with sound being a problem, not so much with this once its locked in youre good to go its actually putting pressure on the bit itself and pushing it down into that piece of rubber thats silencing the bit.

Now you can definitely use regular bits as well with this, and it will hold those just fine and it will store them just fine as well, but the fact that it comes with. Basically what is a four different bits, the most useful ones. T6. T8. Slotted. Im. Sorry, slotted and phillips that rocks i got ta, say youre, not missing all that much from this, and then you have the large flathead if necessary. This is going to give you the ability to be able to open packages without having to get tape on your knife. Yeah i mean this is pretty awesome, now theres some silliness in this and ill just go over that briefly, you have a closed universal wrench and it looks good in theory and its not because it weakens it, because this is a very thick piece of titanium im. Not worried about that its that ive never found a case to use this. I swear. I have looked for one. I have carried a similar pry tool in the past and could never find an instance where either a the nut was exposed and not like locked in from two sides. So i couldnt slide it on or a place where the length in front of it isnt a problem. All of this extra length means that its going to get in the way, if theres, just another piece of metal, you cant, actually turn it. So as cool as this looks, the truth is: is that these universal wrenches on pry tools just simply dont work? What i would have loved, in fact, is to see this tool shrunk by about an inch now.

This is lets. Take a look. This is four and a half inches long. So if you were to remove what is basically an about an inch and an eighth, i just say an inch youre going to have a three and a half inch pry tool with all of the same features minus that wrench and its going to be lighter. Hopefully, itll be cheaper and itll fit into far more organizers, so that would be my suggestion with this is to actually shrink it down a little bit, because i dont think you lose any of the other functions of the tool. By doing so, and by the way, these two four millimeter holders, theyre really just for style, which leads me into the next point. I cannot think of a reason other than for cosmetic reasons why these holes exist. Their obsession with trying to make this into a stick figure, although impressive for the price doesnt, seem very much worth it to me or to probably anyone and uh. Speaking of this stick figure. How much branding is necessary. I mean we have this beautiful emblem here. Can we please get rid of the uh excessive branding, please thank you. Thats all im asking just little things, little things. Yes, i know uh my personal thoughts on this one, but for forty to fifty dollars, which is what youre gon na get this, for i mean 50 at max thats crazy. This is 40 to 50 right with a mil titanium pocket clip.

I got mine for 40 with the flashlight. This is about a hundred excellent by the way. All of these by the way are amazing. 100. 100. 120 ish because of the the coding which ive worn off from use. These are made by best tech in china, unbelievable quality control. I have no idea who makes this, but i can say that it is a very high quality im actually very impressed and the fact that it takes almost any four millimeter bit. I like it. I like it a lot. I dont recommend you buy this not on sale, but if you choose to, i will put a 10 off coupe coupon code down in the description along with the link to it, but i do recommend waiting till the sales to buy any product from olight period. Never ever ever, should you buy an olight product on uh, amazon or or just not on sale. Wait till their sales theyre always going to give you something for free for the most part, and you usually get these kinds of things in bulk deals and or on sale by themselves. So just wait is all im saying, but is this a good deal for 50? Even oh god yeah. This is a ridiculous deal. Look at the size of this piece of titanium im impressed to say the least that they were able to fit. All of this in a package for under 50 feels ludicrous to me. If thats, where were going im all for that, i mean at the end of the day, that means the consumers win and thats cool.

I i and i think every one of these on the table is valid for different reasons. I like this one, because it is the best prying edge ive ever had not a huge fan, though of these rubber gaskets. I love the mini because it fits pretty much anywhere like in pen slots of a lot of organizers. In fact – and i absolutely adore the novel carry slide kick because it stores three regular bits inside and has just just awesome geometry, just really well thought out: theyre, all phenomenal and now theres something in a budget realm as well. I mean between this and titanium and this in steel, just just barely above it in price, oh yeah. This is awesome. This is awesome to be able to get this pry tool for under fifty dollars anyway, thats it, and by the way, these these spare flashlights that i was given. I am definitely going to be giving them away because they also sent me see if i can find it. My table is ridiculous right now. They also sent me that titanium version, which i already have so i dont need yet another variant of this flashlight. So i will be finding a way to give these away at some point. But thanks again for watching this im incredibly impressed, i got ta say the opry is no joke. Do i wish it had a little bit less branding sure, but i its hard to argue this isnt one of the best values you can get right now when it comes to this genre.

The post Olight O-pry (too much value???) appeared first on Beauty Cosmetic Reviews.



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